Saturday, June 27, 2009

July FHE Ideas

Idea #1-Patriotism

Idea #2-Showing Patriotism

Idea #3-Title of Liberty

Primary Activity!

Well first of all we want to give a HUGE shout out to the cub scouts! You guys did an awesome job! Thanks so much for all your help!
With the Fourth of July right around the corner we thought it would be fun to talk about our country and the symbols of freedom. We had 4 different stations each with a craft. Each station also had a cub scout that was in charge of sharing a little info.!!
craft-paint fireworks
Station #2- The Pledge
craft-poneybead bracelets
Station #3-Taps
(Pres. Myers thanks for stepping in! You were awesome!)
Station #4- Flag Facts
craft-coloring flag pic
(a flag on a pole, you could slide the flag up and down)
After those we met all together and Bro. Butler with a couple helpers demonstrated and told what each of the folds while folding the flag means.
After some lunch we had a pinata! That was a fun surprise for everyone! Almost everyone got a chance to hit it before it got bust open! You guys have some good arms!!
then everyone got to go home with all their goodies and a flag of their own!
Thanks to all our helpers for all their work and for all the smiles we saw this morning!!
We love you guys!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June Scripture, Talk, Prayer Schedule

June 7th
S-Tyson Butler
T-Jordan Cheney
P-James Wicke

June 14th
S-Emily Guiya
T-Joey Pawlowski
P-Savannah Cheney

June 21st
S-Autumn Sedgwick
T-Ben Pace
P- Katherine Stiles

June 28th
S-Cody Jones
T-Ammon Cheney
P-Jaden Butler